History of The Castle of Saint-Germain-En-Laye and The Museum of National Archaeology
Towards 1122 Louis VI le Gros had a fortified castle built on the plateau of Laye which at the time was covered with forests. The dungeon ( the square tower on the left of the museum entrance ), is the only part retaining the shape, site and foundations of the original building known as << Le Grand Châtelet >>.
Louis IX ( Saint Louis ) complete this feudal castle with a group of buildings described as << Le Petit Châtelet >>. Between 1230 and 1238 he had a chapel build a little away from the othe countruction. Aprotecting wall surrounded the whole site.
In 1337 , England claimed the throne of Philippe VI Valois and war was declared. The troops of the Black Prince, son of the English king, set fire to the villange which had spring up hear to the castle. Both were burnt down and only the chapel was spared.
It was not only the reign of Charles V le Sage that kings returned to Saint-Germain. This monarch, the richest in Europe, had the burnt building rezed to the groud and between 1364 and 1367 rebuilt a new castle on the site of the protecting wall errected by Louis IX. The chapel is the joined to the main building.
François Ist who married Claude de France in this chapel, at first lived in the casle without undertaking anywork. In 1539 he had the old building knocked down and rebuilt on the foundations of the construction of Charles V. After hi death in 1547, his son Henri II, carried on with the building work following the same plans.
In 1559 the castle covered a total surface of 8000 square meters. In comprised of 55 <<logis>> ( a term applied to appartements in the 16th century ), a ballroom ( the present room of comparative archeology on the first floor ), 7 chapels, a kitchen. Th vaulted basement of the dungeon holds a prison. At the end of the present terrace, Henri Il started the construction of the <<Château Neuf>> which was to be completely by Henri IV. Under the reigns of Henri IV and Louis XIII, what is now called the <<Château Vieux>>, was left to royal children and their household staff.
In 1660, Louis XIV moved into the <<Château Vieux>> and had some interior modification caried out. In 1680, Jules Hardouin Mansart disfigured it with the addition of five corner wings ( now removed ). le Nôtre designed the terrace overlooking in the Seine.
On 20th April 1682, the court left Saint-Germain permanently for Versailles. The <<Château Vieux>> became the residence of Jacques Il ( king of England ) and his family during their exile. The <<Jacobites>> were to remain in Saint-Germain until 1793.
During the revolution ( starting 1789 ) the castle was used as a prison for suspects . Then according to circumstances and needs, the castle become hospital for the treatment of contagious diseases, a cavalry school under Napoléons Ist, barracks and finlly a military prison under Louis-Philippe.
Napoléon lll, by a decree 8th March 1862, decided the creation in the <<Château de Saint-Germain en Laye d’un musée d’antiquités nationales celtiques et gallo romaines>>. The building was in a very bad state of repair. Listed as a historical monument on the 8th of April 1863, it was extensively restored ubder the direction of Eugène Millet, who studied under Viollet-le-Duc. The firs seven rooms were inaugurated by the Emperor in 1867. It’s renovation was carried out by André Malraux in 1962.
Today, the old rooms of the castle hve been turned into exhibition rooms ( there is no furniture), displaying archeological collection, some being mong the ricchest in the wordl, illustrating the life and inventions of men from their origins to the merovingin period.
Yap begitulah penjelasan yang aku dapat dari museum ini, letaknya tida terlalu jauh dari tempat tinggal ku, hanya 30 menit kalau menggunakan mobil…
Karena aku perginya di hari libur, otomatis dong parkiran penuh, ya mau gak mau mesti parkir di basement, mau keluar parkiran pun harus naik lift, setelah keluar dari lift harus jalan kaki 5 menit ke museum.
Setelah sampai harus bayar tiket masuk perorang 5.50 € , kalau umur di bawah 26 tahun gratis. #jangan lupa bawa kartu identitas… 😊
Didalam museum tersebut banyak sekali peninggalan dari jaman purba.
Aku cuma akan membagikan beberapa photo yang ada di museum tersebut.
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Very interesting museum !! 🙂
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